
    Psst, give mouseback a try!

    Meet Mouseback.

    Mouseback is a tiny widget you paste into any website to collaborate between software builders and stakeholders.

    It's installed on this website, give it a go!

    Copy-paste our script
    Add our script onto any website or environment you wish to collaborate on.
    Share your URL
    Mouseback embeds itself into your website or environment with zero faff.
    Start iterating
    Your site transforms into a feedback canvas so you can start building together.

    Why use mouseback?

    Reasons why we built mouseback.

    Get design feedback on the real product.
    Mouseback lets you give feedback and iterate on the actual code that you're shipping to users, it's like Figma comments but for the finished product, neat!
    An open source tool

    We're open source and platform agnostic, which means whether you're building a Laravel, Remix, NextJS or any other app, mouseback can slot right into your workflow with no platform lock-in.

    For the modern development workflow
    Mouseback is designed to slot in perfectly with the modern development workflow of ephemeral environments and quick iteration cycles.

    Try the alpha today

    Click the sign up button above to get started.